Minimally Invasive Gingival Grafting in Camarillo

Minimally invasive gingival grafting is a sophisticated dental procedure aimed at treating gum recession and preventing further deterioration of gum health. Near Camarillo, this technique offers a less painful and quicker recovery solution for patients suffering from gum recession, using advanced methods to restore gum tissue to a healthy state.

Understanding minimally invasive gingival grafting

Minimally invasive gingival grafting is a focused treatment, that addresses the root cause of gum recession and provides long-lasting solutions with minimal discomfort.

Tunnel technique
A modern approach where a small 'tunnel' is created in the gum, into which donor tissue or graft material is placed. This method avoids large incisions, leading to less post-operative discomfort and quicker healing. Often used for patients experiencing sensitivity due to exposed roots, aesthetic concerns, or those at risk for further root exposure and decay.

Allograft material
Instead of using the patient's own tissue, specially treated donor tissue is used to encourage gum regeneration and attachment. This eliminates the need for a secondary surgical site, further reducing pain and recovery time. Ideal for patients who have insufficient gum tissue and are experiencing symptoms like tooth sensitivity, longer appearing teeth, and susceptibility to root cavities.

Growth factors and biologics
Incorporating advanced materials that stimulate the body's natural healing and tissue regeneration process, enhancing the success of the graft. Used in cases where the body's healing needs to be augmented, especially in patients with a history of poor wound healing or when enhancing the graft's integration and stability.

Minimally invasive gingival grafting near Camarillo

Gum recession is a common issue that can lead to serious dental problems if not addressed. Minimally invasive gingival grafting near Camarillo provides a sophisticated solution with less discomfort and downtime than traditional methods. At Camarillo Periodontics, our dedicated team is ready to restore your gum health using the latest techniques in periodontal care. Contact us to learn more about how this advanced treatment can benefit you and help preserve your natural smile.